10th Annual Texas Fishing Forum White Bass Tourney

10th Annual Texas Fishing Forum White Bass Tourney On Lake Ray Hubbard

This is my 10th time running this tournament . We make it as fun as possible for all ages.We are also raising money for the RHSA  www.rayhubbardsportsmensassociation.com .We are a 501(c)(3) non profit organization to help the supplement stocking of hybrid/striped bass in Lake Ray Hubbard. In 2013 the RHSA raised over $10,000.00 dollars and stocked 45 Thousand hybrids fingerlings in Lake Ray Hubbard . Since that time with donations , fund raising and the TFF White Bass tourney we are currently at $7,000.00 and last years tourney with auction and donations raised $4,400.00 :) 

Here are the rules, date and time. Please remember that this is a family fun tournament. If you are a hard core tournament fisherman this might not be the tournament for you. I like to do the whitebass tourneys because it gives everybody an equal chance. I will run this the best I can. I am not a professional tournament organizer. Please bring the kids if you have any. The cost is per boat, not person. If you have any questions feel free to ask them here, PM me or e-mail me. I have the right if I have made an error on this post to correct it .If weather is going to be bad then I will cancel as soon as possible. YOU are responsible for your fish! They do not have to be kept alive for weight in but they are YOUR fish, so when we are done find somebody to donate them too or take them with you…. DO NOT LEAVE THEM THERE.  

May 23, 2015 (SAT)  
50 % payout( the remaining will be 50% first, 30% second and 20% third)

This is a fund raising tournament for Ray Hubbard Sportsmen Association and the other 50% will go to the organization to help supplement the stocking of hybrids on Lake Ray Hubbard. You can visit the website here www.rayhubbardsportsmensassociation.com . This is not a big money tourney and 2 years ago we did the price per person. We did not have near as many “families” participate so I have changed the format to the way I use to do them. I would rather have families involved with children and wives as it seems to be more of what I think it should be about. We will not raise the same amount of money but I feel family and fellowship is more important than money. 

I would also like to do a get together after the tourney and maybe have some food. I will talk with the other members to see what we can do. Sorry I am so late this year. I am also working on some sponsors for an auction after the tourney to raise more money for organization. 

$60.00 a boat
10 fish weigh-in
$5.00 1 big fish pot per boat ( WHITEBASS ONLY, 80 % payout 20% to RHSA , you are responsible to keep up with who caught the big fish )
Safelight till weigh-in at 11:00 am
You can Trailer boat after you register and boat check or if your boat is in a marina come over and we will do a boat check on the water.
The weigh in will be held at HARBOR BAY MARINA on Lake Ray Hubbard. There is a $20.00 launch fee if you chose to launch there ( sorry , not my call on price of launch). If you do not launch there you must still register at that location but you will not be required to pay the $20.00 dollar fee. I will check with the marina and see if we can get a discount for that day. 

The following rules apply to all entrants of any Whitebass tournament(s) that are sponsored, operated, or directed by the Texas Fishing Forum, here after referred to as TFF. By entering the tournament, participants release, without exception, the TFF, its owners, officers, sponsors, employees and affiliates, from liability for any loss, theft, or injury resulting from entering these tournaments. Contestants will also complete and sign a 'Release of Liability' form before entry is allowed.

1. These Rules apply to all entrants of TFF Whitebass Tournaments. Violation of any of these rules will warrant appropriate disciplinary action by the tournament director. Any protest must be received in writing (and signed) within fifteen minutes of the final weigh-in. The tournament director's decisions will be final in all matters.
2. State, federal, and local laws must be obeyed.
3. Whitebass tournament entry fees are $60.00 PER BOAT, unless otherwise stated by the TFF prior to tournament registration. A TEAM consists of how many you can fit in your boat safely and by law. All people in a team boat must be registered contestants.
4. Firearms are not allowed in tournament boats during tournament hours or carried during registration or weigh-in. Law enforcement officers are the only exception to this rule.
5. Alcohol and narcotics will not be allowed in the possession of contestants during tournament hours, with the exception of prescription medicine. Alcoholic beverages are permitted fifteen minutes after the check-in deadline (unless prohibited by the host marina).
6. Courtesy, safe boating, sportsmanship, and conservation must be displayed at all times by contestants.
7. A U.S. Coast Guard approved chest type PFD must be available to everyone on the boat. 
8. TFF Whitebass tournaments contestants are allowed to use any (legal) bait of their choice, including live bait. All fish must be caught in a legal and sporting manner during tournament hours from tournament waters. Contestants are responsible for insuring that the bait they are using does not violate any laws of the tournament lake.
9. Contestants may not use communication devices/Smart Phones/HeyTell/Text Message/Cell Phones/Flares/Smoke Signals/ for the purpose of locating fish or assisting other teams. Hole-sitting by or for entrants is not allowed.
10. Pre-fishing is allowed until 8pm the night before a tournament. Boat stalls, slips, or beaching of boats is allowed on the night before a tournament, however, all boats must be inspected and flagged before release the morning of the tournament. ALL entrants must check in at the registration/launch site.
12. Scoring will be determined by the total weight of 10 fish per team.
13. No tube, bank, or wade fishing is allowed. All fishing must be from a previously inspected boat.
14. Take-off is determined by the order of receipt of entry fees. Entry fees are accepted the morning of the tournament by arrival time (unless otherwise stated prior to the tournament).
15. Boats will take off beginning at "safe light," as determined by the tournament director.
16. Upon entering a TFF tournament, contestants release TFF officials and sponsors from liability of accident, loss, or theft.
17. Penalties: Fish will be measured on a "Golden Rule" measuring board with the tail closed on any fish in question. If the fish is short, you can not weigh that fish. There will be 1 pound deducted from the contestant’s total weight for every minute the contestant is late for weigh-in. The weigh-in line is closed 15 minutes after the assigned check-in time (generally 1:00pm).
18. The TFF and its tournament directors reserve the right to refuse entry to any person for any reason.
19. Contestants are responsible for knowing and understanding these rules.