Ray Hubbard 9-3-09

Since my job was nice enough to give all of the employees a day with out pay I went fishing…beats the hell out of a pink slip !!! SuperDuck and I started a little early and tried to see if some fish might be shallow before daylight, we caught a few but nothing to brag about. All I can say is that this has been a weird August first part of September. We later found fish schooling on a flat and is was some good fishing . As SuperDuck messed with the fly rod I commenced to kick his butt with a big top water and Co-Ho :grin: he finally put that thing up and started catching fish. All in all a good morning with fish found later with the graph and slab. We found fish in as shallow as 3ft and as deep as 29ft. All fish caught on various top waters, SSS Slabs and swim baits… water was a cool 81-83 degrees and the wind was big when we started but laid down. We started at 6:30am and fished till 11:00am , after that we went to the Flying Saucer for a little lunch and adult beverages.