Lake Ray Hubbard has been fishing pretty good.. we have had some schooling action early mornings and on cloudy days it last a good while. Once again you just have to pick your spot , sometimes they are in one area and the next day they are somewhere else. Remember when they stop schooling be sure to look around the area with your side scan and sometimes they stay close but on the down sloops or on the log points. A thermocline has set in but on the cooler cloudy days it dissipates a little and the fish will move off of structure and hang out in the deeper water. When the fish school I have been using CoHo’s on a ½ oz jig head .. when they move on structure I switch to a 1 oz chartreuse slab . I have success later in the morning trolling when the sun is high . They really like to group up and want a horizontal presentation during this time. Be sure to know your fish.. lots of 17 inch hybrids being caught .. Our water temps range from 85-87 degrees, kind of cooler this time of year and the water is about ½ low which is great considering it’s almost August. When you find fish out in deeper water .. don’t forget to throw your slab out , let it hit bottom and burn it up 5-8 cranks depending on depth. I have a few dates open in August so give me a call.. I have over 12 yrs experience guiding on Lake Ray Hubbard and been fishing it ..well.. longer than I like to admit :)