Lake Ray Hubbard Fishing Report

Lake Ray Hubbard has been fishing a little like a roller coaster. The fish are in purgatory thermocline abyss.. the water temp is climbing then the rain cools it down..Had to wait out one day because of thunder storms.. as soon as the fish started heard thunder.. seen lighting .. remember do NOT play with that stuff.. seek cover immediately. Finding a lot of fish suspending out from the structure they are normally on this time of year. The fish have been schooling on the flats, you just have to pick the one you think will produce. That slowed down to didn’t happen because of weekend boat traffic. As soon as the week rolls on they will continue. When you find suspending fish you can either toss out a slab and burn it back and drop .. or throw a tail spinner count to about 10 and start reeling . As the sun gets up higher they are trying to move shallow but with the thermocline not really set they move fast. When they spread out I have been fairly successful trolling a little .. a couple of times after you catch a lot of fish schooling you then have to hit multiple spots to find grouped active fish..  I don’t have any dates open in July but I do have openings in August .. We start at 6:00am and try to be off by 11:00am when it gets extremely hot.. give me a shout if interested in family fun cause school starts soon .. I have been catching some small hybrids right at 17.5 inches.. please measure your fish .. lots of those guys showing up.. a few big ones mixed in ..

I have been scanning points and humps with the side imaging to locate a lot of fish .. dont forget when they are schooling and stop, kick that trolling motor on about 5 or 6 and turn on the side scan.. you can then know what side to throw on ..

Lake Ray Hubbard Fishing Report

Lake Ray Hubbard Fishing Report

Lake Ray Hubbard Fishing Report

Lake Ray Hubbard Fishing Report

Lake Ray Hubbard Fishing Report

Lake Ray Hubbard Fishing Report

Lake Ray Hubbard Fishing Report