Lake Ray Hubbard Fishing Report

Lake Ray Hubbard Fishing Guide Report 

Lake Ray Hubbard has been very good for February and the begging of March. The weather has been fantastic except for a few windy and rainy days.This is why we suffer in August for 60/70 degree temps in the winter . Please remember I offer trips 7 days a week and the weekdays there isn’t a sole on the water.  


lake ray Hubbard

lake ray Hubbard fishing

lake ray Hubbard fishing charter

White Bass Patterns

Lake Ray Hubbard from March thru April there are a lot of changes in that short span. As you get closer to spring when the water starts to warm the shallower they get. Most of my current catching is in water 28-32 ft deep. Most days the fish will suspend a few cranks off of bottom. Its dead sticking time or at least as slow as movement has you can stand for this month. A thumper is vital this time of year as these fish roam the flats. People have their theory has to why it works, I am just a fishing guide not a biologist. All your life you are told to be quiet when fishing then comes along the crazy notion of hitting the bottom of your boat to make sound to draw the fish near. The bite is usually soft and you have to be quick. Right now is basically the start of the Spawn for whiteness, especially with the warmer days. Lots of fish are starting up the creeks, not all go though and you can have very successful days on the main body of the lake. Once April gets here depending on weather and moon phase the shad spawn will start and the white bass will go crazy after they spawn. 

lake ray Hubbard fishing guide

lake ray Hubbard Rockwall tx

White Bass Lures

I use one set up this time of year until the fish start chasing shad shallow after the shad spawn. I use a light slab with jigs tied above it in 12 inch lengths. If you are drifting with drift socks or the winds are calm enough to drift without them then use a heaver slab to keep your bait as vertical as you can get it. Color doesn’t really matter on the lures but some days they hit one a little more. I will have multiple colors tied on for the jigs. If you are going after big fish like hybrids or striper than a heavy Jig head with a 3 or 4 inch fluke is your best bet. Once the fish move shallow , I throw the smallest bait possible during the spawn on warm days. When mid April gets here I throw 3 inch swim baits or tail spinners especially when they are chasing bait Shallow. 

Lake Ray Hubbard Fishing Guide

We target White Bass year round 7 days a week .  Lake Ray Hubbard has a great white bass and hybrid Striper population.  For more information on Lake Ray Hubbard Fishing Guide, follow this link.