Ceder Creek 5-3-09

I had a trip cancel for today... so what do I do on my day off? I FISH ....Woke up this morning to a text message from JV4 and he said cancel on the trip….. Big storms, rain and lighting….well after I am awake I am up. Watched the weather and it was moving fast , I sent a text to JV4 and he called…. Told him if we went to CC ,time we got there the storms should be over. They picked me up at almost 6am and off we went. Sure am glad we did . We arrived at the ramp a little after 7am and off we went… hit the first spot with top waters and Gene was throwing a large rooster tail…. JV4 got the first slam on top …. We were blind casting , no shad or anything but the fish were there. Not long after that we could see shad and fish busting inside a cove and it was on ! I love big top water fish… mostly hybrids with a few big whites mixed in. These fish were hungry and mad! when that died down we checked another spot and picked up a few more hybrids and went looking. Seen boats and birds on a flat and blow ups all over the place……. Boys and Girls this was one of those days….. You know you get about 10-15 great days a year and this was one of them. We caught hybrids one after another. When the hybrids would stop the big whites moved in and we would slab. We left there at 10:30am to go check one more spot and when we stopped Polar called us and said the birds started working again… SO WE WENT BACK for another hour or so it was arm busting fish all over the place. One of my best days on CC ever… and I have had a few real good ones. We caught and released over 60 but under 70 legal hybrids, I do not even know how many whites and small hybrids…. Polar was there and can vouch and he was hammering fish also ….. All fish caught on big chugs, giant rooster tails, Sassy Shad’s from MOE’s and SSS slabs, TNT slabs… you name it we caught them on it , in water 2ft to 26 ft deep. Winds were North at 5-15mph and I do not even remember what the water temp was….. After that we stopped at the western cafe and had burgers and onion rings.