Texoma Report

9-17-09 Afternoon

Had the chance to sneak out of work early Thursday and head up to the big pond :D Super Duck , FastGuy and myself wanted some of this great top water action we have read about…. Fished the great JD Lyle on his air craft carrier for the afternoon bite. JD fished that morning , but I will let him tell that story. We fished from 4:00pm till 7:00 pm with great results. Top water fish , and great size :thumb: these were not schooling fish but blind casting in the shallows… If you have never caught a 8lb striper on top water in 1-2 ft of water you should give it a try… Those fish were blowing that 4.5 inch top water out of the water 2 ft… The original plan was to fish Friday morning but JD talked us in to going that afternoon as well… stayed in the beautiful Hidden Acres cabins…. I only have one pic but Super Duck has a few… we really did not have time to take too many pictures as it was fast and furious action….

9-18-09 morning
After a great night of sleep at the Hidden Acres cabins we were off once again and joined by good buddy Ruben… he drove up for some of the great top water action….. We do not know what happened but it was far from great for us !!!! We caught fish but nothing like the afternoon before. I would have lost money betting on our chances for that morning… oh well, sometime you can not catch 8lbs everyday… I hope the bite stayes for you guys,,, and I hope we did not catch the tail end yesterday morning. I would like to that JD Lyle once again for a great time fishing and the accommodations he provides with his great boat and cabins. We called it at 10:00 am to go pack up and grab a bite…. I bet those fish went stupid later in the morning but sometimes you make the call...